Archbishop Ryan High School Home

We Are AR

Archbishop Ryan High School - a Catholic, coeducational school - empowers a diverse student body to become contributing members of the Church and society. In partnership with family and community, Archbishop Ryan strives to teach as Jesus did by providing spiritual, social, and service opportunities for growth. The faculty challenges the students of today to become the leaders of tomorrow through a comprehensive academic curriculum rooted in excellence.

Recent News

Order Your St. Paddy's Gear! Featured Photo

Order Your St. Paddy's Gear!

Purchases can be made by clicking on the link below. Don’t wait to buy, as the sales ends February 24th!

Pick up will be on March 13th, from 3pm - 7pm at the north lobby. Hope to see you at the Business Academy’s St. Patty’s Day Merch pickup!

Looking to Serve as. Host Family?

Are you interested in hosting a student and serving as a Host Family?

See the informational flyer below from Nacel Open Door, which sponsors a few of our students.

AR at a Glance

  • $42 Million
    '23 College Scholarships
  • 21:1
    Student to Faculty Ratio
  • 14
    Advanced Placement Courses
  • 94%
    Attend Post-Secondary Education
  • 100%
    Graduation Rate
Who Are We? Image

Who Are We?

Archbishop Ryan High School - a Catholic, coeducational school - empowers a diverse student body to become contributing members of the Church and society. In partnership with family and community, Archbishop Ryan strives to teach as Jesus did by providing spiritual, social, and service opportunities for growth. The faculty challenges the students of today to become the leaders of tomorrow through a comprehensive academic curriculum rooted in excellence.

AR Alumni

The Friary to become “The Saint Katherine Drexel Place” Featured Photo

The Friary to become “The Saint Katherine Drexel Place”

The building to the south side of Archbishop Ryan known as “The Friary” has been part of the school since its inception.  For years it served as the residence for the Francian priests who taught on the Boys side, and then later served the entire school after the Boys and Girls sides merged.
Our Beautiful Statues Featured Photo

Our Beautiful Statues

For over 56 years, the students of Archbishop Ryan have had the joy of being welcomed and spiritually lifted by the beautiful outside statues of the Blessed Mother (North Side) and Saint Francis (South Side) at the two entrances of our building.
2023 Volunteer Opportunities Featured Photo

2023 Volunteer Opportunities

Do you find yourself with spare time on your hands and you do not know what to do with yourself?  Do you often think about volunteering and giving back but do not know where to start?  AR may be your answer!

Reunions, Yearbook and More!

We are a few weeks into the new year and we have some exciting things happening for our Alumni. Is 2023 a milestone year for your class? If so, the Development Office can assist you with planning a great night to reconnect with friends you may have lost track of over the years and formed classmates.
Athletes Helping Athletes Hosts Prom at AR Featured Photo

Athletes Helping Athletes Hosts Prom at AR

Athletes Helping Athletes is a non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for Special Needs Programs in the Southeastern PA and South Jersey area. AHA is thrilled to work with 30+ local high schools, colleges, and universities to host honorary sport captains, Trunk or Treat, Lunch with Santa, Carnival nights, guests at a Villanova basketball game, and many other fun functions.