Music Technology Course Outline

Music Technology Course Outline
Course Description:
Students will be introduced to the study of music technology and music fundamentals. Areas of instruction include: instrument and equipment care, beginning level music literacy (reading and writing music), keyboard performance skills, music composition, related music history, concepts, terminology and experience with a variety of computer music applications.
Keyboard skills – learn how to read music and play the piano
Worksheets on the basics of music theory
Computer applications including:
Garage Band – recording, arranging and editing music; making podcasts
Practica Musica – music theory instruction and drills
Musition – music theory
Auralia – ear training
Computer Assisted Instruction - interactive studies and drills on the internet –
Noteflight – students compose music and share it with the teacher and classmates
Grading Policy:
Students’ grades are on Grade Connect – www.gradeconnect.com.
Grades will be taken from class participation, homework assignments, tests, and projects.
They will be required to play a piece on the piano which will be graded on posture and hand position, accuracy of notes, rhythm, technique, musicianship and difficulty of piece.
Homework will be assigned as course material warrants. Most homework assignments will take the form of a report or a project. These assignments will be graded and incorporated into the final grade for each quarter.