Student Technology Center


Borrowing - Students, faculty and staff are entitled to borrow materials for three weeks, periodicals for one week, and reference materials overnight only.

Research Service - Research assistance is provided by the staff for the students and teachers.

Photo Copy Service - A photo copier is located in the library. Copies are available for 10 cents per page.

Word Processing - 160 computers are available during Student Resource Center hours for student and teacher use.


  • The Student Technology Center opens at 7:30 A.M. and closes one hour after dismissal. 
  • Students may come to the Student Technology Center from the lunchroom by signing out with the lunch moderator and signing in at the Student Technology Center.
  • Students may come to the Student Technology Center from study hall by signing a list in a study hall and signing in at the library. Study Hall students must stay the entire period.
  • Students may not play games or come to the Student Technology Center to read their email. The Student Technology Center is for reading and research.
  • Printing policy is three (3) pages per session per student. A student must have a moderator's permission to print anything more, additional copies are 10 cents. 
  • Students should save to their own directory, email the information to themselves, or save to their own flash drive or Google Drive folder. 
  • Use Print Preview to check the number of pages before printing.
  • Books circulate for three weeks, magazines for one week. The fine for overdue books is five cents a day. Reference books circulate overnight after the eighth period. They must be returned before the first period the next day. The fine for not returning overnight items is one dollar a day. 
  • If a book is lost, please see a Student Technology Center staff member as soon as possible.
  • Please respond to overdue notices, or demerits will be issued.
  • Students are expected to behave responsibly in the Student Technology Center and to be courteous to faculty, staff, and fellow students.
  • Cell phones are not permitted in the Student Technology Center and labs during the school day. Gum, food, and drink (including water bottles) are not permitted in the Student Technology Center and labs.


Teachers may sign up to bring their classes to the Student Technology Center, Lab A (23), Lab B (10), Lab C (35), Lab D (35), Graphic Arts Lab (26), Staff Development, or the Multimedia Center.


Reservations must also be made for partial classes.


  • A copy of the student’s project is requested so that resources can be assessed and gathered.
  • Please take into account the students' printing policy when creating assignments.
  • Teachers may borrow books for an entire quarter.
  • Teachers may request materials for purchase.
  • Project Vouchers can be requested for your students that have study hall. This enables the student to reserve a place on the study hall list for the Student Technology Center.